Forum pthread for discuss : http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/how-to-use-bpi-4g-lte-module-with-bpi-r2/5223/4
Firstly, use R2 connects LTE module by USB or 14pin Headers. then execute command "lsusb" to have a look if R2 have drove the module. The red box is the id of 4G module.
After seeing this, execute command "ls /dev/ttyUSB*" to make sure the 4G module have been recognised as USB devs.
Execute the "./ppp1.sh &"
then execute command “ifconfig -a”,you will see ppp0
Execute command ”wget -O speedtest-cli https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py” to download speed test tool.
Execute command "chmod +x speedtest-cli", then execute "./speedtest-cli"
You could get ppp1.sh from here : https://pan.baidu.com/s/1yu0nTNQKPNPzprVPjhOPUA
Q: What should I do, if you meet this "expect (OK) ^M alarm Failed "
A:The root cause is the Modem.service has used the module usbserial, so the 4G module can’t use usbserial; we can solve the problem by using command "systemctl disable ModemManager.service " or "systemctl stop ModemManager.service "
Q:How to test the communication between SIM card and 4G module?
A:Use minicom, ”minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB2”,and then use AT commands to test, such as ”at”,”at+csq”,“at+ccid”,if you get response without error,that means the communication is OK.
Q: How to install libqmi?
A: Download from here: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/cvs/general/libqmi.html ; then make and make install.
If you meet this:
you need to install libgudev-1.0-dev, then make and make install again.
Q:How to use qmi-wwan?
A:There is a very easy way to use,I’ve put quectel-CM in home path of root,just execute “./quectel-CM &”,then execute “dhclient wwan0”,now you have finished the configurations.
Q:How to use GPS?
A:BPI-4G module supports GPS and BeiDou,execute “minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB2”,then input AT commands like this:
If you want to use BeiDou,just input AT commands like this:
Here are kernel configurations and driver patch for kernel 4.14.
Support areas:
EC25-E support: EMEA/Thailand/India/South Korea
EC25-AU support: Australia
EC25-V/-A support:North America
Openwrt Supported:
Clone the source code from this link : BPI-R2 OpenWrt(LEDE) Souce code : 2018-04-11
Add qmi-wwan driver to this project :
Execute “./scripts/feeds/ install minicom” to install minicom to openwrt project
Execute “./scripts/feeds/ install python” to install python to openwrt project
Execute “make menuconfig”
Add minicom “Utilities —> Terminal —> minicom”
Add python “Languages —> Python”
Add driver “Network —> wwan …Genetic OpenWrt 3G/4G proto handler”
Add "Kernel modules —> USB Support —>
kmod-usb-net —> kmod-usb-net-qmi-wwan
kmod-usb-serial —> kmod-usb-serial-option , kmod-usb-serial-wwan
Use these source files to replace your openwrt project source files (“build_dir/target-arm_cortex-a7+neon-vfpv4_musl_eabi/linux-mediatek_32/linux-4.9.44/drivers/usb(or net)/…”) :
Image & Stuff Link :
Baidu Drive : https://pan.baidu.com/s/1e6bvsznfFW3PuaONz0OR1Q
Cross-Compile quectel-CM Copy “quectel-CM” to Linux host PC,and change “Makefile” under the “quectel-CM”,change tools like this:The tools are under openwrt project,you can find them according to the following picture.
If ping Domain name fail,add “nameserver” to /etc/resolv.conf
If you use mPCIE interface 4G module to connect R2 by 14 pin header,use these cmds to enable 4G module,after you did these steps,USB0 port will be disable.
cd /sys/class/gpio/
echo 266 > export 【# 266(gpio_offset) = 232(base) + 34(GPIO_34)】
cd gpio266/
echo out > direction
echo 1 > value