This product adopts esp-wroom-32 module as the core for design, and supports wi-fi, bluetooth, BLE and other wireless communication modes.
The BPI bit (also referred to as BPI-bit, stylised as bpi:bit) is an ESP32 with 32-bit Xtensa LX6 dual-core processor based embedded system. It supports Webduino, Arduino, MicroPython as well as Scratch X programming environments.
You can get more information about Arduino-esp32 from this page: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32
Connect the boards to your computer via the MicroUSB wire, it is same as BPI:bit with microPython.
Please see this documents:2 Wired connection board
Installation instructions using Arduino IDE Boards Manager
Stable release link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/gh-pages/package_esp32_index.json
Development release link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/gh-pages/package_esp32_dev_index.json
Starting with 1.6.4, Arduino allows installation of third-party platform packages using Boards Manager. We have packages available for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux (32, 64 bit and ARM).
Install the current upstream Arduino IDE at the 1.8 level or later. The current version is at the Arduino website. Start Arduino and open Preferences window. Enter one of the release links above into Additional Board Manager URLs field. You can add multiple URLs, separating them with commas. Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and install esp32 platform (and don’t forget to select your ESP32 board from Tools > Board menu after installation).
Arduino IDE Programing Function Define | |
Function |
IO |
IO4 |
IO2 |
IO25 |
IO35 |
IO27 |
LIGHT_SENSOR1(upper left) |
IO36 |
LIGHT_SENSOR2(upper right) |
IO39 |
IO34 |
MPU9250_AD0 |
IO0 |
Communication Protocol | |
IO19 |
IO23 |
IO23 |
SS |
IO5 |
I2C |
IO22 |
IO21 |
Source code on github: https://github.com/BPI-STEAM/BPI-BIT-Arduino-IDE
Source code on github : https://github.com/BPI-STEAM/BPI-BIT-PlatformIO
BPI-Bit PlatformIO 4.0.0a3 documentation : https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/boards/espressif32/bpi-bit.html#
BPI:bit arduino basic development tutorials(chinese version) : http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-bit-arduino-basic-development-tutorials-chinese-version/7299
Bpi:bit + Arduino IDE, shared by JavierPiay : http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-bit-arduino-ide/7244