Banana Pi BPI-R2 Pro is the next generation smart router developement board from Banana Pi in 2021. It is powered by Rockchip RK 3568 processor.Onboard 2GB LPDDR4 memory and 16GB eMMC storage, and supports 2 USB 3.0 interface, 5 gigabit network port. M.2 key-E and mini PCIe interface, 2 mipi DSI interface(one can change to LVDS by software), 1 CSI camera interface,1 HDMI output.
More Infomation: Banana Pi BPI-R2_Pro |
Double male USB data cable for image download or adb debug.
MicroUSB cable or usb to ttl(3.3V) cable if you need console debug message print, default baudrate is 1500000.
Windows or Linux PC.
Download the latest android image, and confirm that the md5 checksum is correct before flashing.
Default IP address for LAN port:
User name/password: pi/bananapi ,root/bananapi.
Or the user is root without a password.
Download and install Rockchip USB driver
Download Rockchip USB Download Tool
This tool defaults language is Chinese. you can change it to English after extract the package. Open RKDevTool_Release_v2.84/config.ini with an text editor (like notepad). The starting lines are:
#Language Selection: Selected=1(Chinese); Selected=2(English)
Open RKDevTool.exe, Switch to the “upgrade firmware” page. Press the “firmware” button to open the image file to be upgraded. The upgrade tool displays detailed firmware information.
Disconnect power adapter, connect dual male usb cable from the top usb host port to PC.
There have two usb download mode for image upgrade.
Uboot Usb Download Mode (loader mode)
It’s supposed to use this way if board already flashed a bootable uboot before.
Maskrom Usb Download Mode(maskrom mode)
Press the Recovery button or Maskrom button beside 3pin uart header and hold, connect the power adapter or press the RST button if power adapter already connected, about two seconds later, release the button. PC will Identify the device if RK usb driver installed correctly.
The download tool also show the download mode if device connected.
Press the “upgrade” button to start the upgrade.
If the upgrade fails, you can try to erase the Emmc by pressing the EraseFlash button first, and then upgrade image again.
Download Linux USB Download Tool, And install it into the system as follows commands:
$ unzip Linux_Upgrade_Tool_xxxx.zip
$ cd Linux_UpgradeTool_xxxx
$ sudo mv upgrade_tool /usr/local/bin
$ sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/upgrade_tool
$ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/upgrade_tool
Check the windows download processes, enter the right usb download mode and upgrade image firmware with this command:
$ sudo upgrade_tool uf update.img
If the upgrade fails, try erasing the emmc and upgrade again.
$ sudo upgrade_tool ef update.img
# upgrade again
$ sudo upgrade_tool uf update.img
Download Rockchip SD Disk Tool.
Insert card reader to Windows PC, 8GB sdcard size at least.
Run SD_Firmware_Tool, check the “Upgrade Firmware” box and select the correct removable disk device, Choose firmware image, then Click Create button to make it and wait until it is finshed
Safely remove the microSD card, insert it into the R2pro board, power on the board, it will start upgrading automatically.
After the upgrade, you can see the following info on screen, remove the microSD card and the board will restart automatically to complete the whole process of firmware update.
Create a sdcard for android boot is almost the same as create a firmware upgrade sdcard, only one difference is select "SD Boot" mode instead of "Upgrade Firmware". This process lasts about 8 minutes, then safely remove the SDcard, insert it into the r2pro board and power on.
One thing to note is that make sure emmc is empty, you must erase it if flashed before. We recommend that use emmc for android boot because it is faster and more stable.
Get Android source code
$ git clone https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-Rockchip-Android11 --depth=1
or you can get the source code tar archive from BaiduPan(pincode: 8888) or GoogleDrive
Build the Android Source code
Please read the source code README.md
The top usb port is a usb 3.0 otg port, but without hw id pin, it only can be used as host or peripheral.The release image set host mode default, but you can change it in Settings
Tablet variant image
Settings→Connected devices→USB Connect to PC, switch on is peripheral mode and switch off is host mode.
Box variant image
Go to Settings→Device Preferences→About, tap "Build" seven times to enable "Developer options" preference. Then back to Settings→Device Preferences→Developer options.Switch on is peripheral mode and switch off is host mode.
R2Pro hw design only have one group TP io, CN7, CN8, CN9 are all connect to it, so only one interface Touch Screen can be used at the same time. you can enable or disable it in dtb
&i2c1 {
status = "okay"
prepare two bmp format files, logo.bmp for uboot logo and logo_kernel.bmp for kernel logo.
there are two ways to replace the logo
create and replace the logo with adb tool
switch the otg port to enable adb, push the logo files to /sdcard/ directory.
$ adb push logo_kernel.bmp /sdcard/
$ adb push logo.bmp /sdcard/
$ adb root
$ adb shell
create logo.img
bananapi_r2pro:/ # cd /sdcard/
bananapi_r2pro:/sdcard # cat logo.bmp > logo.img && truncate -s %512
logo.img && cat logo_kernel.bmp >> logo.img
flash logo.img to logo partition
bananapi_r2pro:/sdcard # dd if=logo.img of=/dev/block/by-name/logo
24301+1 records in
24301+1 records out
12442166 bytes (12 M) copied, 1.104449 s, 11 M/s
reboot android
bananapi_r2pro:/sdcard # reboot
create the logo on Linux and replace it with RKDevTool
create logo.img on Linux
$ cat logo.bmp > logo.img && truncate -s %512 logo.img && cat logo_kernel.bmp >> logo.img
open RKDevTool.exe, Switch to the “Download Image” page, change the items as following, press REC/LOADER and power on or reset the board to enter loader download mode, then click Run to flash logo.img to logo partition.
CN13 M.2 KEY E Slot is used for connect Wlan&BT adapter, the following WiFi Cards are tested and supported in default image
Download Magisk app
Download MagiskGapps package
Download device id app
Copy download apps and package to SDcard and plugin it to Bananapi R2pro.
Follow the process in the video to Install Google Play store.
YouTube Video:https://youtu.be/pMKBVcJhsx4
Another way, you can build the android source code with OpenGApps google play include.
Download the android source code https://docs.banana-pi.org/en/BPI-R2_Pro/GettingStarted_BPI-R2_Pro#_build_android_source_code
Apply this patch to enable build OpenGApps
diff --git a/device/rockchip/rk356x/bananapi_r2pro/BoardConfig.mk b/device/rockchip/rk356x/bananapi_r2pro/BoardConfig.mk
index 3f17d3c0cc..bd8d1b3213 100755
--- a/device/rockchip/rk356x/bananapi_r2pro/BoardConfig.mk
+++ b/device/rockchip/rk356x/bananapi_r2pro/BoardConfig.mk
# increase super partition size for system, system_ext, vendor, product and odm
# must be a multiple of its block size(65536)
Create /vendor/opengapps folder
Download OpenGApps aosp_build project to /vendor/opengapps/build
Create /vendor/opengapps/sources folder, download OpenGApps projects to /vendor/opengapps/sources/
Build the source code and flash the output image.
Install device id app and register your device for google play certification, more info please refer to the video above.
Double male USB data cable for image download into EMMC
MicroUSB cable or usb to ttl(3.3v) cable if you need debug, default baudrate is 1500000.
Windows or Linux PC.
Download the Linux Release Image Linux Release Image, and confirm that the md5 checksum is correct before flashing.
Default IP address for LAN port:
User name/password: pi/bananapi ,root/bananapi.
Or the user is root without a password.
Note: The below picture is for BPI-R2PRO’s Debug Connecting, the blue usb cable is Double male USB data cable for image download, the white MicroUSB cable is linux serial console, please install CH340E’s USB convert serial driver. |
Download and install Rockchip USB driver
Download Rockchip USB Download Tool
This tool defaults language is Chinese. you can change it to English after extract the package. Open RKDevTool_Release_v2.84/config.ini with an text editor (like notepad). The starting lines are:
#Language Selection: Selected=1(Chinese); Selected=2(English)
Open RKDevTool.exe, Switch to the “upgrade firmware” page. Press the “firmware” button to open the image file to be upgraded. The upgrade tool displays detailed firmware information.
Disconnect power adapter, connect dual male usb cable from the top usb host port to PC.
There have two usb download mode for image upgrade.
Uboot Usb Download Mode (loader mode)
It’s supposed to use this way if board already flashed a bootable uboot before.
Maskrom Usb Download Mode(maskrom mode)
Press the Recovery button or Maskrom button beside 3pin uart header and hold, connect the power adapter or press the RST button if power adapter already connected, about two seconds later, release the button. PC will Identify the device if RK usb driver installed correctly.
The download tool also show the download mode if device connected.
Press the “upgrade” button to start the upgrade.
If the upgrade fails, you can try to erase the Emmc by pressing the EraseFlash button first, and then upgrade image again.
Download Rockchip SD Disk Tool.
Insert card reader to Windows PC, 8GB sdcard size at least.
Run SD_Firmware_Tool, check the “Upgrade Firmware” box and select the correct removable disk device, Choose firmware image, then Click Create button to make it and wait until it is finshed
Please use this burning method for Armbian images. |
Install Image with Balena Etcher.
Balena Etcher is an opensource GUI flash tool by Balena, Flash OS images to SDcard or USB drive.
Click on "Flash from file" to select image.
Click on "Select target" to select USB device.
Click on "Flash!" Start burning.
Open RKDevTool.exe, Switch to the “Download Image” page. The upgrade tool displays detailed all firmware image information. Then all image file is ready, you may push "run", the upgrade process begin.
Note: Because Linux’s release package, Example: Ubuntu-22.04-Desktop-EMMCBoot-rockdev-MT7531SW-DSA.zip, unzip it into the same folder "Update-EMMC-Tools" inside. |
Get Linux source code
$ git clone https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-R2PRO-BSP.git
Build the Linux BSP Source code
Note: All linux Image suuport dual display HDMI and eDP together, eDP only support 1920x1080. |
HDMI Display
eDP panel Display
CN13 M.2 KEY E Slot is used for connect Wlan&BT adapter, default image support RTL8822CE(PCIE+USB) and RTL8822CS(SDIO+UART).