香蕉派 R64是一款基于路由器的开发板,它可以在各种开源操作系统上运行,包括OpenSort,Linux。它采用联发科MT7622 64位芯片设计,具有4个千兆局域网端口,1个千兆广域网端口,以及AC WiFi AP功能,板载1G DDR RAM和8G eMMC。
联发科 MT7622 芯片设计 : Banana Pi BPI-R64 路由器板 联发科 MT7622 芯片设计 : Banana Pi BPI-MNF 5G + 4G LTE+Wifi AC+千兆复用聚合路由 |
注意:此板不具有HDMI接口。 |
高度集成的4x 4 802.11n和蓝牙5.0平台,配备专用网络加速器联发科MT 7622是全球首款采用4x 4 802.11n/蓝牙5.0系统级芯片的产品,专为高端网络设备而设计和制造,适用于多种应用,包括路由器/中继器、家庭自动化网关、无线音频和无线存储。高度通用的芯片组为流行的4X 4双频和三频路由器/中继器提供单一平台,为希望构建顶级网络设备的制造商提供最大的灵活性。该平台将高性能和广泛集成的功能与具有成本效益的方法相结合。
MT7622采用1.35GHz的64位双核ARM Cortex-A53处理器,提供了一系列高级连接选项,如SGMII/RGMII、PCIe和USB,以及4X 4 802.11n FEM集成。只需通过MT7615 SoC即可使用802.11ac扩展平台以满足更多市场的需求。
MT7622引入了多项同类最佳的功能,如蓝牙5.0和一个专用的网络加速器引擎,该引擎带有联发科Wi-Fi Warp加速器、存储加速器(SATA 3.0/eSATA Gen 2)和HNAT HQoS计算,可从CPU卸载,从而降低整体功耗并释放资源,避免任何潜在的速度减慢。
MediaTek Wi-Fi Warp Accelerator的优势是双重的。首先,它通过多千兆内部路径将千兆+级802.11ac网络连接到千兆交换机/WAN连接,确保没有瓶颈。其次,它的特殊设计不仅可以减轻CPU处理多用户吞吐量和QoS计算的负担,而且功耗更低。结果是联发科Wi-Fi Warp Accelerator即使在支持多个同时的重度用户时也能保持持续的高性能。
联发科MT 7622,1.35GHZ 64位双核ARM Cortex-A53
Mini PCIE接口支持4G模块
内置4x 4 n 802.11n/蓝牙5.0片上系统
MTK 7615 4x 4ac wifi(可选)
MicroSD插槽支持高达256 GB的扩展
8 G eMMC闪存(可选16/32/64 G)
128 MB闪存
5端口10/100/1000 Mb以太网端口
1个USB 3.0
Slow I/O:ADC, Audio Amplifier, GPIO, I2C, I2S, IR, PMIC I/F, PWM, RTC, SPI, UART
香蕉派 R64 硬件规格 | |
MediaTek MT7622,1.35GHZ 64 bit dual-core ARM Cortex-A53 |
内存 |
1 GB DDR3 |
support 1 SATA interface |
40 Pins Header, 28×GPIO, 其中一些可用于特定功能,包括 UART, I2C, SPI, PWM, I2S. |
网络 |
5 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet |
Wifi |
内置4x4n 802.11n(800Mbps)片上系统和MTK7615 4x4ac wifi模块(1733Mbps)(可选) |
蓝牙 |
Bluetooth 5.0 system-on-chip |
存储 |
MicroSD \(TF\) card,8GB eMMC onboard |
Mini PCIE |
1 mini pcie interface for 4G |
1 USB 3.0 host |
按键 |
Reset 按键 |
Leds |
Power status Led and RJ45 Led |
IR |
PIN define with GPIO |
电源 |
12V/2A with DC in |
support POE module interface,can add POE module |
尺寸 |
148 mm × 100.5mm same as Banana Pi BPI-R3 and Banana Pi BPI-R2 |
重量 |
100g |
我们为BPI-R64设计了PoE功能,所以很容易添加PoE模块来支持PoE功能,PoE模块可以支持IEEE 802.3bt PoE标准,最大支持12 V/3A为BPI-R64供电。
USB 4G module : https://docs.banana-pi.org/en/BPI-4G_module/4G_module_via_USB
我们设计了一款MT 7615 802.11 ac wifi模块,可以在BPI-R64上使用
MT7615是一款高度集成的Wi-Fi单芯片,支持1733 Mbps的PHY速率,完全符合IEEE 802.11ac和IEEE 802.11 a/b/n标准,提供高标准的功能丰富的无线连接,并提供可靠的,具有成本效益的吞吐量和扩展距离。
BPI-R64 Linux BSP(kernel 5.4): https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-R64-bsp-5.4 |
BPI-R64 Linux BSP(kernel 4.19): https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-R64-bsp-4.19 |
BPI-R64 Linux BSP(kernel 4.4) : https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-R64-bsp |
Frank github(kernel 5.4): https://github.com/frank-w/BPI-R2-4.14/tree/5.4-r64-dsa |
Banana Pi BPI-R64 (MT7622) openwrt (Kernel 4.19) : https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-R64-openwrt |
Because of the Google security update some of the old links will not work if the images you want to use cannot be downloaded from the new link bpi-image Files |
All banana pi docement(SCH file,DXF file,and doc) |
BPI-R64 schematic diagram |
Baidu cloud: https://pan.baidu.com/s/18MEJpr5OTYmySZoyk3bO5Q pincode: amqt
BPI-R64 DXF file for case deign : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_YNsdQ9Cv7FVOGrqd6GP0Tu5u2cjLwTA/view?usp=sharing |
BPI-R64 DXF file and the parts used for the assembly datasheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LK5HkP4AfE8xNLJMRHvc7JgexfkDBUAF/view?usp=sharing |
3D printed case for Banana PI R-64. Link https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4261948 |
BPI-R64 3D design file update with SolidWorks : http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-r64-3d-design-file-with-solidworks/10910 |
MTK 7622 chip : https://www.mediatek.com/products/homeNetworking/mt7622 |
MTK MT7622A_Datasheet_for_BananaPi_Only : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DVEv3bovA8cPti3Ln7d9lDBjMCGFSE5m/view?usp=sharing |
MT7622 Reference Manual for Develope Board(BPi) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cW8KQmmVpwDGmBd48KNQes9CRn7FEgBb/view?usp=sharing |
MT7531 switch chip datasheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aVdQz3rbKWjkvdga8-LQ-VFXjmHR8yf9/view?usp=sharing |
Banana Pi BPI-R64 debian Linux boot demo and bootlog: http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/banana-pi-bpi-r64-debian-linux-boot-demo-and-bootlog/8155 |
Banana Pi BPI-R64 passed AWS Greengrass : https://devices.amazonaws.com/detail/a3G0h000000OvObEAK/Banana-Pi-R64 |
Bpi-R64 quick start (boot from eMMC): http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-r64-quick-start-boot-from-emmc/9809 |
Banana Pi BPI-R64 CE,FCC,RoHS Certification : http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/banana-pi-bpi-r64-open-source-router-board-ce-fcc-rohs-certification/10094 |
Patchwork/Mailinglist there was a DSA-driver for mt7531 released : https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/linux-mediatek/list/?submitter=189635 |
MTK chip mailline Linux effort : https://mtk.bcnfs.org/doku.php?id=linux_mainline_effort |
BPI-R64 current u-boot support : http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-r64-current-u-boot-support/10077 |
New netfilter flow table based HNAT: http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/new-netfilter-flow-table-based-hnat/12049 |
[Tutorial] Build, customize and use MediaTek open-source U-Boot and ATF : https://forum.banana-pi.org/t/tutorial-build-customize-and-use-mediatek-open-source-u-boot-and-atf/13785 |
[BPI-R2/R64/R3] OpenWrt built on devices : https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/toolchain/building_openwrt_on_openwrt |
Banana Pi BPI-R64 passed Amazon AWS Greengrass: https://devices.amazonaws.com/detail/a3G0h000000OvObEAK/Banana-Pi-BPI-R64 |
下载并设置单独的ATF映像,以便直接引导到内核或u-boot。 |
Banana Pi BPI-R64 19.07.7 OpenWRT Router image 2021-05-01 |
Baidu link : https://pan.baidu.com/s/1RxtvekBOxP0UtNSzx5mpEg Pincode: fthx
Source code on github: https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-R64-openwrt.git
Discuss on forum : http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/banana-pi-bpi-r64-19-07-7-openwrt-router-image-2021-05-01/12209
Custom OpenWrt build for Banana Pi R64: http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-r64-custom-openwrt-build-for-banana-pi-r64/10973
BPI-R64 new image : LEDE17 (OpenWRT) image Kernel:4.4.177 2020-04-09 |
Baidu cloud : https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UR-Uli2chQ5tO9VCl5Yz6A Pincode:j00s
Boot media: SD Card & eMMC ,two image
MD5: 21a6d89979d473cde59f7d61f3
Discuss on forum: http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-r64-new-image-lede17-openwrt-image-kernel-4-4-177-2020-04-09/10924
Mainline OpenWRT image |
Discuss on forum : http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/r64-mainline-openwrt-image/11415
2021-6-16 update BPI-R64 Ubuntu Server 21.04 image |
Baidu link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nEfneNrFND1dfDLBAekdsg Pincode: dfvv
2020-05-08 updae ,Ubuntu 18.04 with kernel 5.4.0 |
Donload link : https://download.banana-pi.dev/d/3ebbfa04265d4dddb81b/?p=%2FImages%2FBPI-R64%2FUbuntu18.04&mode=list
Discuss on forum : http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-r64-new-image-debian10-and-ubuntu18-04-linux-kernel-5-4-0-2020-05-08/11106
2019-08-23 update,Ubuntu Server 16.04,This release is for banana pi R64 board, and it is based on kernel 4.19. |
MD5 : 79fc190def54140dd9bf12b73e263bd0
Username : root/pi ; password : bananapi
Forum Pthread: http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-r64-ubuntu-16-04-aarch64-linux-lite-debian-10-buster-lite-demo-images-release-2019-08-23/9759
2020-12-22 Ubuntu 18.04 with kernel 5.4.0 |
Supports 4G Module(EC20)
Username : root/pi ; password : bananapi
[BPI-R64] debian buster with new bootchain and linux 5.10,frank share this image |
2020-05-08 updae ,Debian10 with kernel 5.4.0 |
Download link : https://download.banana-pi.dev/d/3ebbfa04265d4dddb81b/?p=%2FImages%2FBPI-R64%2FDebian10&mode=list
Discuss on forum : http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-r64-new-image-debian10-and-ubuntu18-04-linux-kernel-5-4-0-2020-05-08/11106
2019-08-23 update,Debian 10 buster lite,This release is for banana pi R64 board, and it is based on Debian 10 Buster Lite Operation system with kernel 4.19. |
Baidu Drive : https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hVQj-1_rYc74QQ1Z4WoaiQ (PinCode:g1j5)
MD5 : fa3f6a7f7a4bcf2c5a8072301cf8c268
Username : root/pi ; password : bananapi
Forum Pthread: http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-r64-ubuntu-16-04-aarch64-linux-lite-debian-10-buster-lite-demo-images-release-2019-08-23/9759
2018-12-11 update This release is for banana pi R64 board which is based on Mtk 7622, Debian 8 AARCH64 is based on kernel 4.4.92 |
Baidu Drive : https://pan.baidu.com/s/1AdCM9lTuWP9oXiOE2qGsDw
Md5sum : 4b43980375c3f9692c1f0585ca6b541a
Image builder Arch Linux v2 with image ready for download |
2019-08-23 update,AArch64 Linux lite,This release is for banana pi R64 board, and it is based on kernel 4.19. |
Baidu Drive : https://pan.baidu.com/s/15X6XtRuab08_N2T0vgoVOQ (PinCode:j4f7)
MD5 :ed579320359fdc471eeaf37f98d5874d
username : root/pi ; password : bananapi
The debug-uart TTL is tolerant to 3.3V.
SINOVOIP 全球速卖通商店: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/BPI-R64-MTK7622/1100417230_40000003430450.html |
Bipai 全球速卖通商店: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/BPI-R64-MTK7622/1101951077_40000002157510.html |
OEM&ODM, 请联系: [email protected] |